Tag Archives: graduation

Commencement Collection

Graduation is arguably the best time in any student’s educational experience. It’s not so much a “finish” line as it is a “starting point”; not so much a door that’s closing but one that’s standing wide open. The beginning of any student’s college career may be exciting and challenging, but that moment when the hard won diploma is handed to him or her has got to be the most meaningful. Even sitting in that mass of gowned graduates waiting for a turn to walk across that stage is worth the necessary patience expressed on that amazing day....

1964 U of D Commencement

Here’s a question: What value is there in looking through digitized versions of past Commencement booklets? Good question! Answers to this range from the obvious historical research benefit to the idea of satisfying curiosity. Suppose, for example, that you are curious about the history of Commencement at the university. When did this ceremony begin for the University of Detroit (or for Detroit College)? Did all schools participate? Were the various schools even established at U of D when Commencement first...

War and Graduation

In a sense, the 1943 yearbook foreshadowed the hardships faced by a lot of schools and universities during this time. The University pledged its support of the war effort and provided a place for military training and organizations. One of the first pages in the Tower Yearbook for 1943 honored those former students who had already given their lives in service to their country. Soon, these new graduates would likely be drafted into what was believed to be a holy cause. ...