Tag Archives: Lincoln

The Assassination

Wikipedia tells the history of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in dry, textbook form. Through accounts reported at the time, we learn that on Good Friday (April 14) 1865, John Wilkes Booth, put a bullet into the head of Abraham Lincoln, while the president watched a play at Ford’s Theater. The assassin then made his dramatic escape, and died at the hands of Union soldiers while hiding at a farm in Virginia. We know the story. This, along with other major historical events, is part of our education. We’ve been eased into it since childhood through basic information, animated depictions, and colorful sketches. And while Wikipedia gives us a few more details than we may have had previously, all of it seems distant and impersonal. We place ourselves as viewers of paintings and drawings of this terrible scene a few feet from the president’s back as the pistol at the end of John Wilks Booth’s arm discharges....

Forever Free

History was made 100 years ago in the cause of human freedom. On the first of January 1863, Abraham Lincoln (16th president of the United States) signed the Emancipation Proclamation declaring the end of slavery in the Confederate states. Part of this document states: “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof...